Apricot Kernel Oil Cold Pressed Refined - Australia
Prunus armeniaca
Our refined Apricot Kernel Oil has a lovely nutty scent that is similar to Almond Oil. It undergoes a heating process to remove the overpowering (and somewhat unpleasant) Marzipan-like aroma.
This oil contains emollient properties which are useful for exfoliation and moisturisation. The natural fatty-acid profile of Apricot Kernel Oil is similar to the sebum produced in human skin which makes it a nourishing and natural massage oil and skincare ingredient.
Apricot Kernel Oil may be a great substitute for those with nut allergies who want a light base with all the benefits of Omegas 3, 6 and 9 as well as Vitamins A and E.
Apricot Kernel Oil is extracted from plants grown in Ngadjuri Australia, is cold-pressed and has undergone extensive testing to ensure its high quality.
Recommended for skincare, massage blends and soaps.
Care Instructions: Not recommended for ingestion. - Apricot Kernel Oil may have nourishing, moisturising, and anti-aging effects on the skin. It may also be condition hair and may have anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties.