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Growth of lavender industry in Australia

Growth of lavender industry in Australia

Interest in growing lavender in Australia has increased significantly over the last 5 years. There are now plantings in all States with the most interest in Victoria and southern New South Wales. The objective of this report is to review the current situation in the Australian lavender industry, including its location, varieties grown, products and markets. Against this background the report then assesses current research and development activities in the industry and identifies future research needs. The report concludes that present market indications are that the therapeutic market sector will continue to grow and the traditional perfumery market will remain relatively static. Consequently the production, varietal and application issues relating to the therapeutic market segment will be the highest priority for the lavender industry to research in the future. This project was funded from RIRDC Core Funds which are provided by the Federal Government. This report, a new addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 800 research publications, forms part of our Essential Oils and Plant Extracts) R&D program, which aims to foster an Australian essential oils and plant extracts industry that has established international leadership in production, value adding and marketing.

VIEW FULL REPORT: Lavender in Australia

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