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Recipes and Tips

  • DIY Hair Serum Recipe - Defrizz and shine - earthYARD

    DIY Hair Serum Recipe - Defrizz and shine

    From time to time we like to play around and create products made of natural ingredients that really work. This is one of those times. Each of these ingredients brings a myriad of benefits for your hair keeping it healthy, encouraging growth and naturally tames.

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  • 8 DIY Green Living Cleaning Hacks with Essential Oils - earthYARD

    8 DIY Green Living Cleaning Hacks with Essential Oils

    Winter is a dirty month. Open fires, heater dust and walking dropped Autumn leaves through the house, not to forget the extra germs laying about form all those extra colds and flues. Essential oils should be an essential part of the green living home cleaning kit.

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  • 9 Completely Unique Christmas Gifts Using Essential Oils - earthYARD

    9 Christmas Gifts with Essential Oils

    Coming up with interesting, personal and completely unique Christmas gifts every year can be a bit tiring. Avoid the last-minute dash to the  crowded department store and instead opt for one of these ideas for something different.

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  • Great Christmas Ideas - earthYARD

    Great Christmas Ideas

    Yes, yes, it's only October. But on the other hand, IT'S ALREADY OCTOBER! This is why we've decided to give you access now to our Christmas Gift Guide. It's full of new gift packs, DIY options, new skin care products and our picks for Christmas essential oils.

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